The Growth of The SEO Industry – What Causes It and Will It Ever Stop ?

The Growth of The SEO Industry

For many years, companies have continually boosted their SEO budgets. They have begun to see the merit of this marketing approach and become more willing to invest where they know their present and future clientele will be found.

However, technology continually seems to be changing and there has been some doubt cast over the viability of SEO in the future. When it comes to SEO Thailand marketers and businesses should consider what factors may impact their ability to improve and retain rank.

Here’s why SEO growth should not be expected to slow down and future dynamics to be concerned about.

Driving Force Behind SEO Growth

There has been an unceasing growth in the number of online searches. As more of the world’s population becomes connected and internet speeds increase, more searches are being carried out.

The younger generation is highly acclimatized to the use of the internet. Over half of children under the age of 11 in the U.S. have personal smartphones. While the older generation may not take much interest, the growing young demographic is set to ensure continued dependency on the internet well into the future.

Advancements in technology and other global trends are also having an impact on the amount of screen time people can enjoy. More recently, the global pandemic has pushed many companies to transition more of their staff to work from home. Without commute times, people have more free time that they are spending online.

In the future, other developments like self-driving cars will also make it possible for people to spend extra time online. The combination of faster internet and devices, and more free time will make it likely that search figures will continue to grow.

Besides faster internet speeds, the cost has also come down. All across the world, there is cheaper availability to the internet. Not just in terms of connectivity, but also hardware and software. More affordable devices also mean that families can better afford to equip the younger members of the household. Rather than have everyone depend on a single computer, alternatives like cheap smartphones, tablets, and laptops are now available.

The decline in the audience for traditional marketing channels is another factor. People no longer buy newspapers or listen to mainstream radio and television as they used to. For businesses that recognize the need to meet their target audience where they frequent most, SEO is definitely the path to follow. 

And it is not just about Google ranking. While Google remains a highly powerful influence on SEO, people are now making more frequent use of other search options on platforms such as Facebook, Amazon, and YouTube. This has made it necessary for marketers to look at how to also develop a stronger presence on these other popular sites.

Possible Stumbling Blocks to SEO Growth

Unrestrained Competition

It has long been established that businesses that took up SEO early have had an easier time building and maintaining rank. Years ago the competition was limited as many ignored SEO and continued to favor traditional forms of marketing.

However, as more businesses now realize the importance of SEO, competition is likely to peak in the coming years. Many are using this period of recession to push for a stronger online presence and are investing in larger budgets for online marketing.

The marketplace is likely to become more crowded with higher bids and more usage of keywords. These and other SEO tactics may consequently become more expensive and tougher to exploit. However, as is the trend with technologies, there are likely to be newer developments to take their place and keep those making consistent SEO efforts on top.

The Knowledge Graph

The knowledge graph has made it possible for online users to get direct answers to their queries without having to click through to a webpage. This easy means of getting answers may have a detrimental effect on site visibility as there is less need to click through and visit a site.

While it does make for an easier experience for web users, it may mean a much-reduced return on investment for businesses paying for SEO content creation. Without click-through, there will be a decline in site visits and an opportunity to gain ad revenue. It also means less opportunity for conversions.

Machine Learning Adoption

ML relies on the ability of machines to learn on their own from data input. This technology is now being used by Google to help in ranking top results for search engine queries. Dubbed “RankBrain”, this algorithm is steadily becoming a huge influence on ranking.

This technology is, however, difficult to assess and predict. Without a strong understanding of how it arrives at its decisions, marketers may find it hard to adapt and make appropriate changes to their approaches that will keep them in good standing.


Ultimately, adaptation is the name of the game. If the past has taught us anything, it is that the SEO landscape is continually changing. For marketers and businesses looking to maintain their lead position, it will be vital to keep up with emerging trends and make suitable changes to content and web design along the way.

It is important to remember that though search engines are still key, they are no longer the only source of information for consumers. From social media to apps, other platforms are making their way to the fore.

SEO is far from dying out. It does however tend to evolve and keeping note of these changes and adapting is the best response. Tracking trends and the changing variables should be an integral part of your marketing strategy for success.

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